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K. Albanian leader optimistic over ICJ

Kosovo President Fatmir Sejdiu stated that “historical, legal and constitutional” arguments were on “Kosovo’s side” in the ICJ case. The International Court of Justice (ICJ) has started proceedings to determine the legality of the February 2008 unilateral independence declaration by Kosovo’s ethnic Albanians, which Belgrade rejected as an illegal act …

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Ukraine, Russia to hold talks on new gas agreement in first half of 2010

Ukraine and Russia have agreed to hold talks in the first half of 2010 to prepare and agree a new intergovernmental agreement on cooperation in the gas sector, the Russian Fuel and Energy Ministry’s press service reported. 

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Georgian president urges ministers to engage in dialogue with opposition

Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili called upon his Cabinet of Ministers to negotiate with the opposition. “This dialogue is necessary and useful,” he said at a state meeting today in the Kakheti region. “For example, few days ago we had a dialogue with the Christian-Democrats and they noticed a thing that …

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