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Walking and Baking for War Criminals

The release of Bosnian Serb war criminal Biljana Plavsic for old age and ‘good behavior’ is an embarrassment to international justice, especially with the self admission that her genocidal remorse was staged, Anes Alic comments for ISN Security Watch. The early release of convicted war criminal Biljana Plavsic and the …

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Obavještajcima isplaćeno oko 165.000 KM

Nezakonito otpuštenim djelatnicima Obavještajno-sigurnosne agencije BiH (OSA) u zadnje četiri godine isplaćeno je oko 165.000 KM iz dražavnog budžeta na osnovu pravosnažnih sudskih presuda, kaže Dragica Miletić, pravobraniteljica BiH. “Od osnivanja OSA do danas imali smo osam postupaka u kojima je pravnosnažnim sudskim presudama dosuđena isplata ukupno 165.261 KM. Imali …

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Papandreou: Name solution pre-condition for EU integration

Greece announced that solving name issue is Macedonia key towards EU integration. Greek PM and Foreign Minister George Papandreou detailed his government’s initiatives during an informal meeting with the US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in Berlin, Ana-Mpa agency reported.

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