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Croatia will support Macedonia’s EU integration

Croatia is NATO member state and is step before entering EU and therefore will support Macedonia’s EU integration, Croatia’s PM Jadranka Kosor said. Macedonian PM Nikola Gruevski and Croatian PM Jadranka Kosor had an open discussion on EU integration, sharing information, discussing the economic cooperation as well as the minority …

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EU urges surpassing political crisis in Albania

The Ambassadors of EU member states in Tirana urge a solution and a compromise for stopping the boycott of the opposition in the Parliament. Western officials send this message yesterday at the 20th anniversary of Berlin wall, in addition to the coming opposition meeting November 20.

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Georgian president to discuss Georgia-South Ossetia conflict

Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili is likely to discuss the Georgian-South Ossetian conflict zone with U.S. Vice President Joseph Biden and French President Nicolas Sarkozy today. The sides will discuss Russian provocations and the kidnapping of four Georgian teenagers, Saakashvili said at a meeting with the Christian-Democrats parliamentary faction.

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