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Serb Minister Appeals to Kosovo Serb Loyalties

Serbia’s Minister for Kosovo Goran Bogdanovic said that Serbs who plan to vote in Kosovo’s local elections this Sunday should ask themselves whether they are helping Belgrade ”save” Kosovo by doing so. Bogdanovic said that: ”Those Serbs who would take part in the elections should ask themselves whether they are …

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Bulgaria Parties Threaten President’s Impeachment

Former Prime Minister Ivan Kostov’s Democrats for Strong Bulgaria, DSB, has clubbed together with the far-right Ataka party, threatening to call for impeachment of Bulgaria’s President Georgi Parvanov. Kosovo, whose party is part of the coalition supporting the current right-of-centre GERB party, said his party would back an impeachment procedure …

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Karadzic Trial Part of Belgrade Strategy to Obstruct

Sonja Biserko said that she believes that Radovan Karadzic’s tactic to prolong his trial is part of a strategy from Belgrade to obstruct the War Crime Tribunal’s work. Sonja Biserko, director of the Helsinki Committee in Serbia, believes that the work of the Hague Tribunal has had almost no effect …

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