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Kompromis političara uslov za napredak BiH

Postizanje kompromisa između domaćih političara jedini je način za napredak BiH ka Evropskoj uniji i NATO-u, kazali su juče Čarls Ingliš i Bose Hedberg, američki i švedski ambasador u našoj zemlji. Ingliš je naglasio da Sjedinjene Američke Države i EU mogu i žele pomoći da BiH ispuni potrebne preduslove za …

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Vienna consultation participants discuss resumption of transnistrian talks

The participants in the consultations on Transnistrian conflict settlement, held in Vienna last Friday, discussed ways to eliminating obstacles to resuming negotiation process in 5+2 format, the OSCE press service reported. According to its news release, in Vienna the delegations agreed on the need to intensify dialog in order to …

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Europe is obligated to support switch from Communism to democracy, while Moldovans should do their homework.

Info-Prim Neo interview with Romanian MEP Sebastian Bodu – How is Moldova regarded in Brussels, especially the democracy in Moldova? – Romania has always been attentive to the changes experienced by Moldova. The April 7 events attracted a lot of attention as there were violated the principles of democracy, the …

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