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President elections in Moldova could be postponed again

The Party of Communists of the Republic of Moldova, which went into opposition after the early elections on July 29, will not take part in the election of president, scheduled for November 10. The decision was passed at the Monday plenum of the Central Committee of the party. There is …

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US Says Macedonia “Name” Agreement Possible

The United States Assistant Secretary of State Philip Gordon said he thinks the Athens-Skopje “name” row can be resolved soon, and in the interest of both sides. “It is true that the agreement is possible and it is important to be resolved,” Gordon said to the Voice of America, Macedonian …

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New Zealand Recognises Kosovo

New Zealand has become the 63rd country to recognisne Kosovo’s independence. Kosovo’s Foreign Minister Skender Hyseni confirmed on Monday that he had received a diplomatic note confirming recognition from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of New Zealand.

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