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Bosnia’s Budget Outstanding IMF Condition

An IMF delegation arrived in Bosnia on Wednesday to start the first quarterly review of the country’s progress in fulfilling terms from a 3-year stand by arrangement worth 1.2 billion euros. After meeting with the delegation, lead by Costas Christou, Bosnia’s Finance and Treasury Minister Dragan Vrankic said that the …

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Sporazum kriminalce privodi pravdi

Predsjednica Vlade Hrvatske Jadranka Kosor i predsjedavajući Vijeća ministara BiH Nikola Špirić na jučerašnjem sastanku u Sarajevu složili su se da će sva otvorena pitanja rješavati dijalogom uz međusobno poštivanje i razumijevanje. “Razgovarali smo o nizu otvorenih pitanja. Naši kontakti i razgovori će se nastaviti kako bismo dijalogom i razgovorom …

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Hague prosecutor starts Belgrade visit

Chief Hague Prosecutor Serge Brammertz is today starting his two-day visit to Belgrade. The visit comes as part of his preparations to submit a report on Serbia’s cooperation with The Hague-based UN court to the UN Security Council. During his visit, Brammertz will meet with President Boris Tadić, PM Mirko …

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