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Serbia, IMF Reach Deal for Tranche 2, 3

Serbian Finance Minister Diana Dragutinovic announced that talks with the International Monetary Fund, IMF, for the country’s second and third tranches of the IMF loan agreed to earlier this year, have been completed successfully. Speaking at a press conference, Dragutinovic said that an agreement has been reached to extend the …

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Macedonia Ruling Partners Discuss Name

The leaders of Macedonia’s two governing parties met Tuesday afternoon to discuss the burning name dispute with Greece. Media speculate the meeting between Prime Minister and leader of the ruling VMRO-DPMNE party Nikola Gruevski and Ali Ahmeti, the head of the Democratic Union for Integration, DUI, the junior partner in …

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EC: Kosovo’s Progress a ‘Deterioration’

The European Commission’s progress report on Kosovo, released last month, shows a ‘deterioration’ in the country’s performance, according to a high ranking EC official in the country. Khaldoun Sinno, head of political, economic and European integration at the European Commission Liaison Office in Kosovo, made the comments at an event …

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