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Slovenia, Croatia to Sign Border Deal

The Croatian and Slovenian governments have confirmed that their leaders will sign an arbitration agreement in Stockholm on Wednesday. Jadranka Kosor and her Slovenian counterpart Borut Pahor both made seperate statements confirming they will sign on Tuesday.

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Prijedlozi ne štete dejtonskoj strukturi

Butmirski paket ne sadrži ništa što je suprotno dejtonskoj strukturi BiH, istakli su jučer ambasadori SAD i Švedske u BiH Čarls Ingliš i Bo Vilijam Hedberg, najavljujući nastavak razgovora u okviru butmirskog procesa. “Prijedlozi sadržani u butmirskom paketu za nas predstavljaju minimum potreban BiH za napredak ka kandidatskom statusu za …

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Parliament confirms date of presidential elections

Only 3/5 of the MPs can attend the special sitting at which the head of state is to be elected. According to the amendments, if the election of the President becomes impossible owing to objective circumstances, the Parliament can postpone the sitting. If the head of state is not elected …

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