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Serbia Optimisticly Awaits ICJ Decision

Serbian President Boris Tadic is convinced that the decision of the International Court of Justice, ICJ, on whether Kosovo’s unilateral declaration of independence went against international law will be made in favor of Serbia. In an interview with Italian news agency ANSA, the president explained his optimism about the decision. …

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Croatia Detains 7 Ex -Soldiers Over War Crimes

Police detained on Monday seven former Croatian soldiers suspected of killing Serb soldiers in neighbouring Bosnia at the end of the country’s 1992-1995 war, local media said. “A criminal probe is being conducted against seven former members of the Croatian army,” police spokesman Krunoslav Borovec was quoted by Javno.Hr as …

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Croatia Approves Border Deal With Slovenia

The Croatian parliament Monday afternoon voted to allow the country’s Prime Minister Jadranka Kosor sign a key border deal with neighboring Slovenia that will unblock the country’s EU accession talks. 

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