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Macedonian, Greek PMs Met Thursday

Macedonian Premier Nikola Gruevski held a short informal meeting with his new Greek counterpart, George Papandreou, on Thursday in Brussels. The parlay, which took place on the sidelines of an EU Council meeting, was expected to focus on the countries’ name dispute, but both leaders left after the meeting without …

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Minister: NATO Membership Would Stabilise Bosnia

NATO membership would stabilise the political situation in Bosnia and open the way for the settlement of all questions concerning the country’s future, Bosnia’s defence minister says. “In the current situation, when our politics are war by other means, NATO membership would resolve all open security issues,” Selmo Cikotic said …

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US Backs Unblocking EU-Serbia Trade Deal

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and new US War Crimes Ambassador Stephen Rapp are convinced that Serbia is cooperating fully with the Hague Tribunal. US diplomats will look to promote this impression, in order to press the Dutch to allow the unblocking of Serbia’s Interim Trade Agreement with the …

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