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Pozvali lidere da nastave s razgovorima

Odgovornost za napredak BiH je na domaćim političkim liderima koji moraju imati mnogo ozbiljniji politički angažman, upozorio je Karl Bilt, ministar vanjskih poslova Švedske i predsjedavajući Vijeća EU, po okončanju dvodnevnog zasjedanja ovog vijeća. “Naša glavna poruka bosanskohercegovačkim liderima je – sjedite, razgovarajte, dogovorite se. Imamo veliku podršku za razgovore …

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Moldova – First meeting of commission investigating April events marked by divergences

The first meeting of the commission that is investigating the April protests was marked by misunderstandings. The commission’s head Vitalie Nagacevschi and deputy head Vadim Misin could not agree on a report on the accuracy of the parliamentary elections. At the first meeting held on Tuesday, October 27, the members …

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Moldova – Constitutional Court responds to Communist Party inquiry

The Court also wrote that in order to ensure a continuity of state power, speaker becomes Acting president from the moment the presidential post becomes vacant. The Republic of Moldova’s Constitutional Court has ruled that Parliament Speaker becomes Acting President immediately upon the outgoing president’s resignation, the Court wrote in …

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