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EC to approve allotment of EUR 300 mln compensation for shutdown Kozloduy NPP units

On Tuesday the European Commission (EC) would approve allotment of EUR 300 mln in compensation for shutdown units of Kozloduy NPP. The Bulgarian National Television has learned the proposal on the compensation deposed by the President of the European Commission José Manuel Barroso has not raised contradictions among EU Commissioners. …

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Karadzic boycotts war crime trial at UN tribunal

Former Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic boycotted the war crimes trial against him at a UN court in The Hague on Monday, Dutch media said.The trial started at the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) shortly after 9:00 a.m. (8:00 GMT) with Karadzic’s absence. The presiding judge O-Gon …

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New Ethnic Albanian Party Formed in Serbia

Three Albanian political groups in southern Serbia have joined to form a united political party. The party, dubbed the Democratic Union of Albanians, DUA, was formed when a Bujanovac party with the same name, led by Mejdi Zeqiri, merged with Ramiz Zulfiu’s Citizens’ Group, from the town of Presevo, and …

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