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Belgrade to mark 65th anniversary of liberation

The 65th anniversary of the liberation of Belgrade will be marked today with a series of events and in the presence of Russian President Dmitry Medvedev. The highest state and military honors will be given at the Liberators’ Cemetery in Belgrade, while wreaths will be laid to mark the anniversary …

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Butmir talks to resume today

Talks between U.S. and EU representatives and Bosnian political leaders will continue today at the Butmir military base. The goal of the talks is the establishment of functional institutions at state level to allow Bosnia-Herzegovina to progress towards Euro-Atlantic integration.

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Greek PM: Turkey has to pull out troops from Cyprus

Greece’s Prime Minister George Papandreou urged Turkey on Monday to withdraw its troops from Cyprus to help ongoing talks aimed at reunifying the divided island. The long-festering dispute on the eastern Mediterranean island has poisoned relations between Greece and Turkey, both NATO members, undermining alliance and European Union cooperation on …

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