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Macedonia’s Opposition Urges Name Settlement

The opposition Social Democrats, SDSM, would back any government compromise in the Athens-Skopje name row that guarantees that the language and nation would remain unchanged and referred to as Macedonian. “Whatever is acceptable to you will be acceptable to us.” SDSM leader Branko Crvenkovski told Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski at …

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Macedonia: Naming the Future

Standing at the door of the EU and NATO clubs, Macedonia’s reception largely depends on one thing: compromise over the long-running name dispute with neighboring Greece. Meanwhile, regional stability hangs in the balance, Anes Alic writes for ISN Security Watch. The 14 October report by the European Commission recommended opening …

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Kurkulas: Butmirska inicijativa šansa za BiH

Evropska unija i SAD vjeruju u uspjeh butmirskog procesa i da će on donijeti konkrete rezultate koji će omogućiti da BiH ne ostane iza ostalih zemalja u procesu proširenja EU, izajvio je Dimitris Kurkulas, šef Delegacije Evropske komisije u BiH. “Nije mi drago niti sam sretan što moram reći da …

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