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Balkan developments: Clouds in a blue sky

The current situation in the Balkans reveals a worrying trend of political and security developments that may lead to renewed round of brinkmanship, even of conflict, between different countries and ethnic groups. Although, for the time being, the Balkan issues have not attracted the eye of the global media, it …

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România, cea mai mare provocare pentru R. Moldova

„Dar Ţările Baltice şi Moldova nu aparţin Uniunii Sovietice!..” (Margaret Thatcher, „Le Figaro”, 29 august 1990) Frontiera euroatlantică a ajuns la Prut şi există riscul să rămână acolo, cel puţin pentru încă o generaţie. „Revoluţiile colorate” au fost un proiect generos şi substanţial, dar consecinţele nu au fost cele aşteptate. …

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UN calls for “pragmatism”

UNMIK Chief Lamberto Zannier called for pragmatism at Thursday’s UN Security Council meeting on Kosovo. Zannier, who presented the UN secretary general’s report at the meeting, stated that greater participation by Serbs and other minorities in the local institutions could be useful and that it would increase the chances of …

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