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K-Serbs to submit anti-EULEX petition

A Kosovo Serb delegation will today hand President Boris Tadić a petition signed by 48,000 Serbs calling on EULEX to leave Kosovo. The deputy speaker of the Kosovo Serb assembly, Marko Jakšić, told B92 that EULEX did not belong in Kosovo because it was not neutral when it came to …

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“Situation peaceful,” says Kosovo’s Hyseni

Kosovo’s foreign policy chief Skender Hyseni told the UN Security Council yesterday that the security situation in Kosovo was “stable and peaceful.” He also accused Belgrade of obstructing the integration of Serbs.

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Bosnia elected to Security Council

Bosnia-Herzegovina has been elected as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council for the period 2010-2011, says UN General Assembly President Ali Treki. Brazil, Gabon, Liberia and Nigeria have also become non-permanent members.

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