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EC report on Macedonia progress to be realistic: Antonio Milosovski

We hope EC report on Macedonia progress will be a real assessment of the progress and achievements of the country, said Macedonian foreign minister in Istanbul on Friday. Milosovski expressed in his statement during the informal meeting of the foreign ministers of the South-East European Cooperation Process his hope the …

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EC appealed to Kosovo not to block Kosovo’s regional initiatives

Kosovo is an independent country and Serbia should accept that, said spokesperson of Kosovo government Memli Krasnici, referring to the question whether over the practical benefits, which the regional co-operation brings, the official representatives of Belgrade and Pristina should stop insisting on forms and symbols at international level.

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Eagleburger hopes Macedonian-Greek relations to improve after power change in Greece

The former US Secretary of State Lawrence Eagleburger hopes Macedonian-Greek relations to improve after power change in Greece. Pointing he is not expert on Greek policy, Eagleburger expressed his hope that probably the new Greek government would accept the name not to stand in Macedonia’s way to NATO and EU. 

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