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Top Russian, Ukrainian diplomats to meet for talks in Kiev

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov will meet in Kiev on Tuesday with Ukrainian acting Foreign Minister Volodymyr Khandohiy to discuss bilateral relations between the two countries. According to a Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman, Lavrov and Khandohiy will have a 30-minute one-to-one meeting and will be then joined by the delegations …

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Romanian PM Ready to Resign if Loses Vote

Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc said on Tuesday that he is ready to resign if parliament does not approve an IMF-required pension law in an upcoming confidence vote. “I’m putting my position on the line. Either the law is enacted, or the government steps down,” Boc, who heads the Liberal …

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Ethnic Albanians Continue Push for Presevo Region

The Presevo Valley should be a separate region inside Serbia, since existing administrative divisions do not protect minority rights, the president of Bujanovac municipality, Shaip Kamberi, tells daily Politika. “Even though the Serbian government disagrees, we consider that a region, which would recognise language, religious and other diversity, would be …

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