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New Romanian Cabinet is set up

Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc has taken the post of chargé d’affaires ad interim of education minister, media informed. Minister of Tourism Elena Udrea heads the Ministry of Environment, communications minister Gabriel Sandu was elected Minister of Small and Medium Enterprises, Commerce and Business Environment; economy minister Adrian Videanu will …

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Former KLA Members Guilty of Torture

Three former members of the Kosovo Liberation Army, KLA, have been found guilty of conducting a torture campaign at a prison camp in the remote Kosovo hills. Latif Gashi, Nazif Mehmeti and Rrustem Mustafa were convicted on Friday of war crimes committed during the conflict in Kosovo.

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Kosovo Serbs Establish Political Forum

The Kosovo and Metohija Political Forum has been established in the town of Gracanica, ahead of Kosovo’s forthcoming local elections, to represent local Serbs. Broadcaster B92 reports that the forum was created at the initiative of 50 Gracanica residents, and neighbouring villages, in order to unite Kosovo Serbs. The leader …

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