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European Parliament Wants Expansion of Visa Scheme

The European Parliament’s rapporteur on visa issues, has proposed that the European Commission, EC, include all five western Balkan states in the EU visa liberalisation programme. Slovenian MEP Tanja Fajon made this recommendation, while arguing that the two states that have yet to meet all necessary benchmarks be included on …

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Macedonia’s Coalition Leaders Reconcile

The Macedonian government looks set to survive after the leaders of the ruling VMRO-DPMNE party and ethnic Albanian Democratic Union for Integration, DUI, met to settle their differences. VMRO-DPMNE leader Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski and DUI head Ali Ahmeti met on Tuesday afternoon to discuss the turmoil caused by the …

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Calls Mount for Opposition to End Boycott

The heads of the European Commission and OSCE in Albania have both enjoined the country’s Socialist opposition party to end its parliamentary boycott. Speaking after a meeting with the minister of foreign affairs, Deputy Premier Ilir Meta, the head of the OSCE office in Tirana, Robert Bosch, said that his …

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