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Kostunica to Form New Serbia Political Block

The leader of the Democratic Party of Serbia, DSS, and former prime minister Vojislav Kostunica says he will form a new political block, which will gather opponents to the government’s current Kosovo and Vojvodina policies. In an interview with Tanjug news agency, the DSS leader said that “the block will …

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Adnan Terzić: Bošnjacima treba nova stranka

SDA i Stranka za BiH su dezorijentirane, bezidejne i zbog toga Bošnjacima treba nova politička stranka, kaže Adnan Terzić, bivši zamjenik predsjednika SDA. U intervjuu za “Nezavisne” on nije želio potvrditi da će biti zadužen za vođenje ekonomske politike u novoj stranci među čijim osnivačima bi mogao biti i Fahrudin …

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Mladić hunt “round the clock”

War Crimes Prosecutor Vladimir Vukčević says the security services are working round the clock to arrest Hague fugitive Ratko Mladić. Vukčević did not wish to reveal details of operations under way, but reiterated that he believed Mladić would be in the Hague by the end of the year. “All I …

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