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Romania will support Moldova in its effort to sign new association agreement with EU, Titus Corlatean

MOLDOVA “Romania will assist Moldova in negotiating and signing a new association agreement with the EU,” the chairman of the Romanian Senate’s Foreign Policy Commission Titus Corlatean told a news conference in Chisinau on September 23. Titus Corlatean is visiting Moldova at the invitation of Igor Corman, the head of …

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Investigation to continue in Bytyqi case

War Crimes Prosecutor Vladimir Vukčević has told B92 that the prosecution will continue the investigation into the murder of the Bytyqi brothers. Vukčević said that the prosecution would appeal the acquittals of two former police officers Sreten Popović and Miloš Stojanović, who were cleared of complicity in the murders.

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Ruling coalition makes public list of canidates for cabinet

MOLDOVA On Wednesday, several websites, close to the ruling Alliance for European Integration, published what they called ‘a tentative list’ of candidates for ministerial posts in the new Moldovan Government the AEI is forming. As the Alliance had warned yet shortly after the July 29 parliamentary elections, the list has …

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