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Macedonian Encyclopaedia To Be Changed

MACEDONIA In an emergency session on Wednesday the editorial committee of Macedonia’s Academy of Sciences and Arts’s, MANU, that prepared the country’s first encyclopaedia decided to revise the disputed parts of the book that refer to the history and present life of the large Albanian community living in Macedonia. After …

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Bosnian Serb Leaders Defy Western Envoy

BiH All principal executive and legislative officials from the Serb-dominated Bosnian entity of Republika Srpska on Tuesday in the strongest terms condemned the latest decisions imposed by country’s High Representative Valentin Inzko. “The latest decision of the High Representative represents another step towards the division of Bosnia and Herzegovina,” media …

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Albanians Outraged Over Macedonia Encyclopaedia

ALBANIA Albanian academics in Tirana have slammed a new encyclopaedia published by the Macedonian Academy of Sciences, MANU, which describes the country’s ethnic-Albanians as “settlers”. Adding his voice to a growing number of academics, politicians and NGO members who have sharply critcised the encyclopaedia, the Deputy Head of the Albanian …

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