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Kandidatski status sve dalje

BiH BiH je ispunila manje od polovine uslova iz Evropskog partnerstva za ovu godinu, zbog čega će biti prolongirana pozitivna ocjena spremnosti BiH za dobijanje kandidatskog statusa za članstvo u EU, izjavio je Halid Genjac, predsjedavajući Parlamentarne komisije za evropske integracije BiH.

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“No shortcuts to Europe”

Chairman of the National Council for Hague Cooperation Rasim Ljajić says that Ratko Mladić must be arrested for Serbia to progress towards the EU. He said that there should be no illusions about Holland allowing the Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA) to be unfrozen before Mladić is extradited to The …

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Verdict in Bytyqi case due on Tuesday

The war crimes chamber in Belgrade is expected to deliver its verdict today in the case of 2 suspected accomplices in the murder of the Bytyqi brothers in 1999. The trial of Sreten Popović and Miloš Stojanović, former members of the Serbian Interior Ministry, began on November 13, 2006. They …

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