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Serbians do not want Montenegrins in Kosovo constitution: Albin Kurti

KOSOVO Serbians would not accept Montenegrins to be mentioned in Kosovo’s Constitution, leader of Self-determination Movement Albin Kurti said. He noted despite Serbians in Kosovo are 6% of the population they can impose veto on political decisions mentioned in the Constitution. “Kosovo President Fatmir Sejdiu and the Prime Minister Hacim …

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Macedonia has no other open issues besides name dispute: Nikola Gruevski

MACEDONIA Name dispute with Greece is the only obstacle for Macedonia’s European Atlantic ambitions, said Macedonian Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski. “I assess positive good neighborly relations besides name dispute with Greece. We do not have any other serious problems despite these are the Balkans,” Gruevski pointed. In his words Macedonia …

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Bulgaria, Russia agree to create South Stream working groups

BULGARIA Bulgaria and Russia agreed Friday to create common working groups to prepare details of the “South Stream” natural gas pipeline project. Bulgaria Economy, Energy and Tourism Minister, Traicho Traikov,and Russia Energy Minister, Sergei Shmatko, held talks in Sofia on Friday regarding the future of the South Stream gas pipeline, …

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