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Parliament modifies Law on Government and agrees structure of new executive

MOLDOVA The new Government of Moldova will be composed of 16 ministries, as the previous one, and of 8 central administrative authorities. Two ministries were dissolved, while the name of some of the ministries was modified. A relevant decision was passed in first reading by a majority vote on September …

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Mihai Ghimpu holds post of caretaker president legally

MOLDOVA The Constitutional Court Thursday ruled that Speaker Mihai Gimpu occupies the position of caretaker head of state legally. The Court’s president Dumitru Pulbere recognized the need to lay down clear rules as regards the procedure for taking over the post of president on an interim basis, stressing the importance …

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Prosecution to appeal Suva Reka verdicts

SERBIA, ALBANIA The War Crimes Prosecution has lodged an appeal with the Supreme Court over the verdicts in the 1999 Suva Reka war crimes case. The Supreme Court has been called on to quash the War Crimes Chamber’s decision to acquit Radoslav Mitrović, Nenad Jovanović and Zoran Petković, and to …

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