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Unresolved Succession Issues Remain

SERBIA Serbian Prime Minister Mirko Cvetkovic has said that unresolved issues remain five years after an agreement of five former Yugoslav states took effect. A two-day meeting of representatives of the five successor states – Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Slovenia and Serbia – has started in Belgrade.

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Serbia Prepares for UN Meeting

SERBIA President Boris Tadic is to lead the Serbian delegation attending the 64th UN General Assembly meeting in New York next week, daily Blic reports. Blic reports that the president will meet US counterpart Barack Obama on September 23 at a reception. One of the Serbian delegation’s priorities is to …

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Sulejman Tihić: Treba deblokirati proces imenovanja

BiH Predsjedavajući Vijeća ministara BiH Nikola Špirić uporno kreira nove afere i blokade s ciljem potpunog zaustavljanja rada državnih institucija, tvrdi Sulejman Tihić, predsjednik SDA i zamjenik predsjedvajućeg Doma naroda parlamenta BiH. Kaže da Špirić ovim namjerava pokazati da državne institucije ne mogu raditi pa samim tim i ne trebaju …

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