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Western Envoys Defend Bosnian War Victims

BiH Three senior international envoys have strongly condemned Bosnian Serb leader Milorad Dodik for accusing Bosniaks (Bosnian Muslims) of staging civilian massacres. “Any attempt to change the established historical record of war crimes is unacceptable and inexcusable,” High Representative Valentin Inzko, the head of the Council of Europe in Bosnia …

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President Urges Unity Ahead of Key Vote

ROMANIA Late on Tuesday, the Romanian government called for a confidence vote on three key laws. mandating major budget and public sector employment cuts. Shortly thereafter, President Traian Basescu addressed the house, urging the current centre-left coalition to maintain its unity, saying it represents a “necessary political compromise”.

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Država, entiteti i Brčko dijele 170 miliona KM

BiH Vijeće ministara BiH utvrdilo je jučer Prijedlog zakona o podjeli 170,9 miliona KM dobivenih sporazumom o sukcesiji bivše SFRJ. Prema zakonskom prijedlogu usvojenom većinom glasova, 10 odsto od ovog iznosa pripast će državi, 58 odsto Federaciji BiH, 29 odsto Republici Srpskoj i tri odsto Brčko distriktu. “Finansijska sredstva koja …

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