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Serbia marks International Day of Democracy

SERBIA Serbia is a democratic country, but democracy is not sufficiently developed, reads a message from parliament to mark the International Day of Democracy. The message states that Serbia celebrates the International Day of Democracy as a free, democratic and secular state. The Serbian parliament’s website states that democracy in …

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ICJ deadline set to expire

KOSOVO The deadline for expires today for countries wishing to take part in the case on Kosovo’s independence at the International Court of Justice. The public debate, which begins on December 1, will be open to all UN member-states, regardless of whether or not they have previously submitted written testimony. …

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Captain Dragan “doesn’t hate Croats”

CROATIA Dragan Vasiljković says that he does not hate Croats, and that Croatia is not a fascist state, though there are fascist elements in its government. “20 years ago I adopted two Croat girls. Today they are happily married, but they still call me ‘dad’. In Belgrade I would take …

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