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Hartmann found guilty of contempt of court

The Hague Tribunal has found former prosecution spokeswoman Florence Hartmann guilty of contempt of court and fined her EUR 7,000. Hartmann was accused of revealing details of the Slobodan Milošević case in her recently published book. The court ruled that she had deliberately perverted the course of justice by publishing …

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EP set to debate visa liberalization

MACEDONIA, SERBIA, MONTENEGRO The newly-elected European Parliament meets Tuesday for its first plenary session. The agenda of the plenary session in Strasbourg includes the visa liberalization for Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro. The newly-elected European Parliament President Jerzy Buzek and the European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso, who runs for a …

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Pahor: Slovenia gets something it haven’t had before

SLOVENIA In the talks with Croatia, Slovenia got something it haven’t had before, binding Zagreb to see the border issue as part of negotiation process, Slovenian Prime Minister Borut Pahor said. “I believe that we can all be happy. The border issue will be solved trough arbitrage or with a …

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