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Serbia’s Albanian Leaders Confer with Kosovo President

ALBANIA Over the weekend, ethnic Albanian political leaders from Presevo and Bujanovac spoke with Kosovo’s President Fatmir Sejdiu in Pristina about the problems they are facing in southern Serbia. They told Sejdiu that Serbia’s failure to recognise Kosovo university diplomas was one of the gravest challenges. The speaker of the …

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Ukinute naknade, ostali paušali

BiH Komisija za administrativne poslove parlamenta BiH ukinula je jučer poslaničke i delegatske naknade za rad u stalnim komisijama, dnevnice za dolazak na sjednice komisija te naknadu za učenje stranih jezika. Komisija nije podržala inicijative za ukidanje paušala, te naknada za rad u privremenim komisijama. “Jednoglasno smo podržali ukidanje naknada …

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Tadić tells party end of crisis is “near”

SERBIA DS leader Boris Tadić told his party’s main board meeting in Belgrade on Saturday that the end of the economic crisis is at hand, but that it is “not over yet”. However, he warned against complacency. Serbia is looking at a long and hard economic recovery and serious reforms, …

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