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Macedonian media about Bulgaria: Brussels air calms down Boyko Borisov

MACEDONIA Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borisov assumed a calmer tone after his first statement about the tragedy in Ohrid, Macedonian Dnevnik daily writes on Friday. “We have wonderful relations with your prime minster. Yesterday, your foreign minister, together his Bulgarian counterpart, attended the ceremony of paying last respect to the …

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PASOK to win elections with parliamentary majority, polls state

GREECE There is 5.5% distance between the Panhellenic Socialist Movement (PASOK) and the ruling New Democracy. According to the polls, organized on September 7-8 among 1,001 people, PASOK wins 41% support, while the New Democracy – 35.5%, which guarantees a majority of 151 MPs for the socialist party, while the …

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No secret agreements on Russia – Bulgaria energy projects

RUSSIA Russia and Bulgaria have never had secret agreements on the energy projects, Russian Energy Minister Sergei Shmatko said. “If legitimate decisions passed by the previous government are rejected every time, then how can we possibly work with this country! All projects have been openly discussed in Europe. We passed …

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