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Macedonia: Parallelism in Blerim Reka and Dejan Gjorsovski activities in Brussels

BELGIUM Macedonian ambassador to Brussels, Blerim Reka, is not satisfied with the decision for Dejan Gjorsovski to be appointed special representative to the EU headquarters, Macedonian A1 television reports, citing diplomatic sources. Ambassador Reka, however, has been assured that Gjorsovski’s arrival will not put his post at risk. According to …

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Macedonia: European train goes down

MACEDONIA Macedonian government has started preparing citizens for the change of country’s name, part of analyzers consider after foreign minister Antonio Miloshovski’s statement Greece would block opening of the EU accession talks. On the other side, experts interpret the statement as new “Greek veto” and as an alibi behind which …

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Turkey’s opposition parties criticize normalization talks with Armenia

TURKEY Turkey’s opposition parties on Tuesday criticized the government’s move to start talks on establishing diplomatic ties with the country’s long-time foe Armenia for making unilateral concession. Armenia has not changed its policy enough or implemented necessary preconditions to allow a reconciliation with Turkey, the Turkish newspaper Hurriyet Daily News …

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