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UNHCR chief in Belgrad

SERBIA UN High Commissioner for Refugees Antonio Guterres will meet with Serbian senior officials to discuss the refugee problem in Serbia and the region. Before arriving to Belgrade, Guterres was in Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina, where he said that it would be ideal if all of the open questions regarding refugees …

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“U.S. supports transfer of Hague convicts”

AUSTRIA Serbia has received clear approval from the U.S. to have Serbia citizens convicted by the Hague Tribunal transferred to serve their time in Serbia. According to Justice Minister Snežana Malović, this approval has nothing to do with the so-called “secret deal” to have convicts from Guantanamo Bay transferred to …

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Slovenia to sign South Stream agreement soon

SLOVENIA Slovenia is expected to sign the agreement for constructing a part of the South Stream gas pipeline on its territory soon, Prime Minister Borut Pahor said. Pahor added that the details regarding the agreement will be confirmed soon at a meeting with Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, according to …

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