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Greek fires under control as government faces flak

GREECE The wildfires that ripped through the suburbs of Athens forcing residents to flee their homes are now under control. Thousands of hectares of virgin fir and prime forest have been destroyed and hundreds of houses burnt to the ground. The fire broke out last Friday in the village of …

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Chechen bomber defies Moscow

RUSSIA A suicide bomber has killed himself and four police officers in Chechnya. Another has been seriously injured. The attack took place in the village of Mesker Yurt, 20 kilometres from the capital Grozny. Just hours before the Russian Prime minister Valdimir Putin had been in the region on a …

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Protesters Overturn 25 EULEX Cars

KOSOVO Demonstrators from the Vetevendosje self-determination movement have been arrested after overturning 25 EU rule of law mission, EULEX, cars in central Pristina, Kosovo. Some 21 protestors were taken into custody by Kosovo police after the incident, which occured behind the Palace of Youth at 11am on Tuesday. Spokesperson Karin …

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