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IMF Urges Serbia to Increase VAT

SERBIA IMF representatives believe that increasing VAT is the only adequate measure the Serbian government can take to address its budget deficit, but are willing to accept other propositions, daily Blic reports. The IMF officials argue that public sector cuts proposed by the Serbian government, while laudable, are only a …

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Ructions at Bulgarian Nuclear Plant

BULGARIA Bulgaria’s Economy and Energy Minister Traicho Traikov has named a new director for the Kozloduy nuclear facility after yesterday’s controversial resignation of the previous plant director, The Sofia Echo reports. Traikov appointed Dimitar Angelov as the new executive director of Bulgaria’s only nuclear power station on Tuesday. Angelov replaces …

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Molotov Cocktails Thrown at Greek Embassy

SERBIA A group of young men threw two Molotov cocktails at the Greek embassy in Belgrade late Monday night, Tanjug news agency reports. No one was hurt in the incident. A window was broken and the fire-bombs caused minor damage to the facade, but otherwise the building was unscathed. A …

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