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The Kremlin ready to write off Valdimir Voronin – Kommersant

RUSSIA, MOLDOVA The Kremlin stands ready to write off the Moldovan Communist Party leader, presumes the influential Kommersant newspaper of Moscow. In its article about the last Friday’s meeting of the Presidents of Russia and Moldova in Sochi (Russia), Kommersant drew attention to the fact that after that conversation President …

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Repeat voting at two Kosovo polling stations

SERBIA Voting in the local parliamentary elections for the municipalities of Priština and Peć was repeated at two polling stations on Sunday. Coordinator of the Election Commission (RIK) Veljko Odalović told Tanjug news agency that both stations closed last night without any noticeable irregularities. Some 80 percent of the resident …

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“Kosovo independence irreversible”

KOSOVO Newly-appointed U.S. Ambassador in Priština Christopher Dell says his country’s policy towards Kosovo “remains unchanged”. According to the diplomat, “Kosovo’s independence is irreversible”. Upon presenting Kosovo President Fatmir Sejdui with his credentials, Dell pointed out that the basis of the American policy towards Kosovo is “simple and unambiguous”. 

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