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European Commission Helps Kosovo Finance Debts

KOSOVO The European Commission liaison office in Kosovo, ECLO, has contributed €5 million to Kosovo’s debt repayments to the World Bank, the ECLO website reports.  The debt was accumulated prior to June 10, 1999, and was assumed by the Kosovo government when it became a member of the World Bank …

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US Troops Arrive in Bosnia for NATO Exercise

BiH The first elements of a US Armed Forces’ contingent have started arriving in Bosnia and Herzegovina for NATO’s Joint Endeavor 2009 military exercise. “Joint Endeavor 2009 is a test for Bosnia and Herzegovina,” Republika Srpska Television opined on Friday. This is the first time this annual NATO exercise is …

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Danas imenovanje šefa DEI

SARAJEVO, BiH Agencija za državnu službu BiH imenovat će danas Lidiju Topić za direktora Direkcije za evropske integracije BiH (DEI), rekao je juče Nikola Špirić, predsjedavajući Vijeća ministara BiH. Objasnio je da na jučerašnjoj sjednici Vijeća ministara nije postignuta saglasnost o imenovanju direktora DEI, Uprave za indirektno oporezivanje BiH (UIO) …

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