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Karadzic Case Ready for Trial

BiH The judge indicates that the Radovan Karadzic case is “ready for trial”, though he declines to set a date for the trial to begin. Iain Bonomy said that the Radovan Karadzic case is “ready for trial” and that he will inform the Court President of this. However, a date …

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Skopje Likely to Respond Today on Name Proposals

SKOPJE, Macedonia Today, Zoran Jolevski, Macedonia’s negotiator in the Athens-Skopje name talks, is expected to give his country’s response to the latest set of proposals tabled by UN mediator Matthew Nimetz. On Wednesday, Greece said that it would not accept the latest Nimetz proposals if a compromise formulation of Macedonia’s …

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Kosovo Adamant in Opposition to Policing Protocol

PRISTINA, Kosovo The EU rule of law mission, EULEX, cannot and will not sign any agreement in the name of Kosovo, EULEX head Yves De Kermabon said on Thursday. Kermabon was speaking after a meeting with Kosovo’s President Fatmir Sejdiu and Prime Minister Hashim Thaci. “EULEX, as a technical rule …

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