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Nato chief assesses Kosovo exit strategy

KOSOVO New Nato chief Anders Fogh Rasmussen made his maiden visit to Kosovo yesterday to evaluate his plans to trim the alliance’s security mission in the breakaway Serbian province a decade after war. Rasmussen, a former Danish prime minister, hopes to gradually wind down the presence of Nato’s 13,800-strong Kosovo …

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Leaders the Alliance for European Integration agree upon the distribution of posts

MOLDOVA According to this information, Chairman of the Democratic Party of Moldova Marian Lupu will occupy the President’s post, Chairman of the Liberal Democratic Party of Moldova Vlad Filat – the Parliament Chairman’s post, Leader of the Moldova Noastra Alliance Serafim Urechean – the Prime Minister’s post. Leaders the Alliance …

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Constitutional Court validates election results

MOLDOVA The decision is final and takes effect upon pronouncement. The Constitutional Court on Friday validated the outcome of the July 29 elections and confimed the distribution of seats in parliament: 48 for PCRM, 18 for PLDM, 15 for PL, 13 for PDM, and 7 for AMN. The Court dismissed …

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