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New NATO chief to visit Kosovo

KOSOVO New NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen is set to make his first official trip Thursday to Kosovo, where he hopes to gradually diminish the alliance presence to a small reaction force or pull out completely. Rasmussen is expected to hold meetings with Kosovo President Fatmir Sejdiu, Prime Minister Hashim …

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EU approves € 39 million financial crisis response package for Bosnia and Herzegovina

BiH Today the European Commission adopted a programme to help Bosnia and Herzegovina to mitigate the impacts of the financial and economic crisis. The € 39 grant finance will support the development of small and medium sized enterprises and provide significant investment in infrastructure in the transport, environment, and energy …

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O nouă etapă în negocieri:PLDM, PL, PD şi AMN discută partajarea funcţiilor

MOLDOVA Liderii celor patru partide democratice s-au aşezat din nou la masa de negocieri, de această dată pentru a discuta despre partajarea funcţiilor. Liderul PL. Mihai Ghimpu, a declarat că astăzi discută organigrama Parlamentului şi Guvernului, propusă de grupurile de experţi, subliniind că este necesar să rămână acele structuri care …

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