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Russia behaves actively and consecutively towards Moldova and Transnistria – Dmitru Rogozin

He underlined that Moscow wants Tiraspol and Chisinau to arrive at consensus on the form of peaceful coexistence. Russia behaves actively and consecutively in the settlement of the Transnistrian conflict, Russia’s Permanent Representative to the NATO Dmitri Rogozin considers. In his on-line interview for “” he remarked that the fratricidal …

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The ruling coalition stakes on support of external creditors

Representatives of the four parties expressed their concern with the orders given by the Communist leaders to the Government to spend all the money, which remains in the budget, as soon as possible. The new coalition stakes on support on the part of external creditors, the leaders of the four …

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Victor Chirilă: Viitorul preşedinte va trebui să fie o candidatură credibilă şi pentru potenţialii votanţi din partea comuniştilor

MOLDOVA Directorul executiv interimar al Alianţei pentru Politică Externă, Victor Chirilă, consideră că există şanse ca cele patru partide să reuşească să promoveze la funcţia de Preşedinte o persoană anjagată politic, însă „acest lucru depinde, în primul rând, de candidatura pe care o vor înainta-o”.

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