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Dacic: Serbia’s ruling coalition not in crisis

BELGRADE, Serbia Deputy Prime Minsiter Ivica Dacic rejected on Wednesday (August 5th) media speculation that the ruling coalition is in crisis over the controversial bill on public information, which would regulate the media. A vote was postponed until August 31st to allow time for more consultation. Dacic, leader of the …

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Dacic: Serbia’s ruling coalition not in crisis

BELGRADE, Serbia Deputy Prime Minsiter Ivica Dacic rejected on Wednesday (August 5th) media speculation that the ruling coalition is in crisis over the controversial bill on public information, which would regulate the media. A vote was postponed until August 31st to allow time for more consultation. Dacic, leader of the …

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Hague allows Karadzic contact with media

HE HAGUE, Netherlands The UN war crimes tribunal is allowing former Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic to have limited contacts with the media, Karadzic’s legal adviser, Peter Robinson, announced on Tuesday (August 4th). He added that after a “severe battle”, Karadzic’s team has managed to secure a document spelling out …

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