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Dorin Chirtoacă are încredere în unitatea celor patru partide necomuniste de la Chişinău

Primarul liberal al Chişinăului, vicepreşedintele Partidului Liberal Dorin Chirtoacă, crede că Republica Moldova se află în pragul unei noi epoci politice şi este convins sută la sută de unitatea celor patru partide necomuniste care au pus bazele unei coaliţii, excluzând o alianţă cu PCRM.

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Weakened Communists still dominant Moldova force

A parliamentary election in Moldova has boosted the fortunes of the liberal opposition but the Communists will likely continue as the country’s dominant political force – without outgoing President Vladimir Voronin. With loans from China and Russia hanging in the balance, the question was who would be able to sort …

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Bulgaria: Cabinet’s EU funds management model to be announced by end-August

SOFIA, Bulgaria The ministers of the ruling Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria (CEDB) dealing with EU programs will make an evaluation on all projects with signed contracts for financing. EU Affairs and EU Funds Control Committee chairperson Svetlin Tanchev announced the news.

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