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Bulgarian PM Shy on Presidency Calls

Addressing growing calls for a presidential republic, Bulgarian Prime Minister Boiko Borisov refused to say whether this would prompt him to seek the job, the Novinite news agency reports. Borisov was non-committal in addressing an ongoing campaign by former president Zhelyu Zhelev to transform the Bulgarian political system into a …

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Romania’s President Hails Moldovan “Opposition Victory”

Romanian President Traian Basescu said Thursday that “opposition and democratic forces” had won the snap parliamentary elections in neighbouring Moldova. Bucharest was waiting expectantly on the results of Wednesday’s Moldovan election, which could help determine whether the former-Soviet republic remains in Russia’s orbit.

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Raport de mandate: Opoziţia-53, PCRM-48

După procesarea a 100% a buletinelor de vot, neoficial, raportul de mandate este următorul: PCRM-48 mandate PLDM- 18 mandate PL-15 mandate PD-13 mandate AMN-7 mandate

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