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Gregorian slams BiH’s decision on international judges

SARAJEVO, Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) Deputy High Representative Raffi Gregorian is critical of the government’s decision not to extend the mandates of international judges and prosecutors working on terrorism, organised crime and corruption cases, local media reported on Tuesday (July 28th).

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Macedonian parliament passes law on political parties

SKOPJE, Macedonia Parliament approved amendments Tuesday (July 28th) to the law on financing political parties, a precondition for accelerating the country’s EU integration process. The measure, which was passed without debate, is aimed at boosting control over and the transparency of party funding. Lawmakers must pass two more pieces of …

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Serbia to present proposal for Kosovo decentralisation

BELGRADE, Serbia Come September, the government plans to submit to the EU and the international community a new plan for decentralising Kosovo. Oliver Ivanovic, a senior official in the Ministry for Kosovo and Metohija, said on Tuesday (July 28th) that Serbia still rejects former envoy Martti Ahtisaari’s independence plan as …

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