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Romania Awaits Moldovan Poll Result

Bucharest is waiting expectantly for the results of today’s Moldovan elections, which could help determine whether the former-Soviet republic remains in Russia’s orbit. Around 2.6 million Moldovans began voting early on Wednesday in snap parliamentary elections Polls suggested the ruling Communist Party was leading with around 31 percent, but analysts …

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Albania Boosts Afghan Deployment

Albania will quintuple its military deployment in Afghanistan ahead of parliamentary elections in the central Asian country. “Albania has decided to increase its contribution to the alliance forces in Afghanistan, ahead of the August poll, [which are] seen as crucial for the country,” the Foreign Affairs Ministry said in a …

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Italy: Thaw Frozen EU-Serbia Trade Pact

Italy strongly supports the European integration of the Western Balkans and backs thawing the Interim Trade Agreement between the EU and Serbia, says Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini. “Italy is decisively engaged in convincing its partners in the EU who do not support the unfreezing of the Interim Trade Agreement …

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