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The EC on Romania

Romania has taken a number of welcome steps since the European Commission’s 2008 report to re-launch the reform process and a “new momentum” had been established which has resulted in a series of positive steps, the EC said in its July 22 report on the country’s performance under the Co-operation …

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Obama nominates new ambassador to Bulgaria – report

US president Barack Obama is to name Marc S Ellenbogen, an entrepreneur and philanthropist, as ambassador in Sofia to replace Nancy McEldowney, a Bulgarian media report said on July 24 2009. Ellenbogen (47) chairs the board of directors of the Global Panel Foundation, Standart said.The paper quoted diplomatic sources. There …

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România, sondajele şi „generalul iarnă”

“În privinţa incertitudinilor legate de stocarea gazelor naturale în Ucraina, Comisia UE a recomandat statelor membre să se pregătească mai bine pentru perioada de iarnă şi să-şi asigure depozitele de gaze naturale din toate sursele disponibile”… (iulie 2009) Nimic nou pe frontul de Est? Şi da, şi nu. Vizele pentru …

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