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Medvedev thanks Berlusconi for high-level summit organisation

MOSCOW Russian President Dmitry Medvedev warmly thanked Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi for the high-level holding of the G8 summit. Medvedev in a telephone talk on Saturday noted the high level of the preparation for the summit, both in the organisational aspect and in point of the content of the …

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Georgia: Personnel from defunct UN mission to leave next week

Military observers and police of what was the United Nations Observer Mission in Georgia (UNOMIG) will leave Abkhazia at the end of next week, as the operation proceeds with its liquidation, the world body announced today. 

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Bosnia commemorates Srebrenica massacre anniversary

Sarajevo – Several hundred people are expected to gathered Saturday at the Potocari Memorial Park in Bosnia to mark the 14th anniversary of the 1995 Srebrenica massacre. The remains of 534 victims will be buried later in the day. So far a total of 3,749 identified bodies have been buried …

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